featured How to choose between dog scooting treatments ?
Dog scooting can be a sign of various issues, most commonly involving discomfort or irritation in their rear end. To stop dog scooting and licking is possible but before you...
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Helping alleviate dog diarrhea
If your dog is experiencing diarrhea, there are several steps you can take to help alleviate dog diarrhea. Read this article to know more what important things are to avoid during...
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Gastrointestinal diseases account for about 10% of veterinary visits
Diarrhea in dogs is one of the most frequent clinical signs. Abnormal stool may also be the first symptom of a more systemic disease process, such as kidney, liver, and...
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The Magic World of Montmorillonite
Montmorillonite could be an effective anti-diarrheal and an alternative to other agents which can have serious side-effects. How does Gastrobalance Diarrhoea relief work? The natural ingredients are trendy and highly...
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